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Contest by Lavazza

Deadline 23.07.2018

Summary New graphic design contest on Desall and Lavazza invite you to design the new graphics for their vending machines, capable of conveying the Lavazza values and quality in every environment.
Official contest page:
Company Description The history of Lavazza is that of a business which, for over 120 years, has pursued a company vision based on passion for work, for the product and the land in which it operates. These values have been ingrained in Lavazza’s DNA since its foundation in 1895, and upheld by four generations of entrepreneurs. Each family member who has worked in the company has helped it to grow, transforming it into the company it is today, yet still true to the qualities of passion and innovation inherited from Luigi Lavazza. It is the spirit which has allowed us to expand the company over the years: our way of doing business is an example of sustainability in the fullest sense of the word. It is a quality built up and shared with all the people we have met, starting with our employees and the places in which we work.
What we are looking for Lavazza invites you to create the new graphic design for their vending machines, suitable for the various machine models and able to convey the Lavazza brand and the values it advocates, including the Italianness and the premium quality of their blend.
Guidelines For the correct realisation of your proposals, keep into consideration the following guidelines:
Objectives of the new graphic design: 1. It shall communicate the Lavazza brand in a clear and consistent way, contributing to increasing the brand awareness in the vending machine sector, in particular outside Italy; 2. It shall spread the Lavazza heritage, conveying the coffee quality and the Italian style it advocates; 3. It shall contribute to transform the user experience from a proximity-driven consumption (given by the sole presence of the Lavazza vending machine) to a more informed, premium and fulfilling experience.
Project typology: the subject of the contest is the graphic design of the Lavazza vending machines, in particular with reference to the front panels and the selection buttons of the Brio Up, Canto Duo, Concerto and Lei2Go machines – see Lavazza_Panels-Dimensions.pdf attached in the Material files for more information.
Major requirements: - The projects you propose shall give maximum priority to the Lavazza brand, in full compliance with the Lavazza Manifesto – see p. 5 of Lavazza_Guidelines.pdf; - The graphic design shall give great visibility to the coffee preparation system, be it coffee capsules or coffee beans; - The new graphic design shall be extremely innovative and disruptive, in order to arouse great interest in the consumer, thanks to a very attractive style, and so spread by word-ofmouth among users; - Given the average life cycle of a vending machine equal to about 10 years, the graphics you propose shall ensure a certain durability over time, to be perceived not as a fad but rather embodying the traits of a timeless fashion.
Vending machine models: the new graphic design shall be easily adaptable to the various machine models, in particular to the Brio Up, Canto Duo, Concerto and Lei2Go machines – see Lavazza_Panels-Dimensions.pdf attached in the Material files for more information.
Elements to be included in the graphic design: 
1. Lavazza logo: that shall be given maximum visibility and importance in comparison with to the other elements – see Lavazza_Guidelines.pdf inside the Material files for all indications as how to use the logo and the brand; 
2. Vending operator logo: as the Lavazza vending machine is often offered in co-branding modality, you are invited to include in your graphic design a generic logo representing the partner – use the “logo” wording. The vending operator logo shall receive less visual importance than the Lavazza logo – for more information, see the Lavazza_Guidelines_Cobranding.pdf attached in the Material files; 
3. Graphic element of your conception, consistent with the entire graphic design you suggest, representing in a clear and visible way the coffee preparation typology, be it coffee capsules or coffee beans. According to the coffee preparation typology, the two elements might be swapped one with another and shall cover the same area. Accordingly, the two elements shall NEVER co-exist in the same graphic design. For an example, please refer to the two versions of the Canto Duo vending machine attached, representing the two versions, “coffee capsules” and “coffee beans” respectively, fashioned in the “Neon” style already employed by Lavazza. You are invited to apply the “coffee capsules” graphic element to all four vending machines specified above and provide a version of the “coffee beans” in at least 
one machine. For some examples, please refer to the Vending-machines_images inside the Material files; 4. “Aroma Mark” element – to be included, at your discretion, even if it is not mandatory it is highly advisable – it is the characteristic graphic symbol representing the Lavazza coffee aroma – see p. 39 of the Lavazza_guidelines.pdf document; 5. Selection buttons: for the design of the selection buttons you are invited to propose graphic solutions of your own conception. For the beverages label texts, you are free to use the font already employed by Lavazza – see LAVAZZAtxtbook.ttf attached in the Material files – or suggest a font of your choice. At all events, the selection buttons are not the main subject of the contest.
Dimensions: the graphic design you propose shall be suited to the four vending machines as better specified in the Lavazza_Panels-Dimensions.pdf document attached in the Material files.
Style: you are free to explore the style you prefer, keeping into consideration both the necessity of becoming extremely relevant and attractive for the customer and the average life cycle your graphics shall have, avoiding styles or concepts too much related to a specific historical-cultural period.
Techniques: you may use graphic illustrations or other techniques, however avoiding the use of photographs.
Colour indications: the are no indications as to what colours you should employ in your graphic design.
Logo: as better specified in the “Elements to be included in the graphic design” paragraph, the Lavazza logo provided in the Material files shall always be included in your proposals, receiving maximum visibility and importance with respect to the other elements. The logo might be used either vertically or horizontally. You can find the Lavazza logo and the “Aroma Mark” in vector format, inside the Material files.
Context of use: the vending machines will be installed both in working environments (companies, offices, etc.) and in public spaces (stations, hospitals, universities, shopping malls etc.).
Deliverables: For the 4 machines attached (Brio Up, Canto Duo, Concerto and Lei2Go) you are required to submit:
- 2D views of the panels, with your graphic design applied; - 3D photo-composition of your graphic design applied on the vending machine images attached, replacing the current graphics; - Layout containing the new graphic design of the selection buttons.
We remind you that you may attach further materials (PDF, vector files, high resolution images) inside a .ZIP archive to submit directly from the upload page.
Evaluation criteria: in the evaluation of your submissions Lavazza will take into account the following criteria: Compliance with the brand (5/5) Communication effectiveness (5/5) Degree of innovation (4/5) Aesthetics (4/5) Flexibility/Versatility (3/5)
Language: since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.
Contest timeline Upload phase:  12th June 2018 – 23rd July 2018 (1.59 PM UTC) Client Vote:   from 23rd July 2018 Winner announcement: approximately before the end of September 2018
Optional deadlines Concept revision:  2nd July 2018 (1.59 PM UTC)
Concept revision: deadline for requiring an optional revision of your project by the Desall team. In order to request a revision, upload your project and save it as draft (SAVE DRAFT) from the upload page and send your request to the Desall Team via e-mail or through the contact form. The revision is NOT mandatory: it serves only as a further opportunity for the participants but does not constitute a condition for participation, nor does it constitute any advantage in the final evaluation.
Eligibility and submission Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can present one or more projects, but only the projects published on the web site, via the upload page related to “Lavazza - New vending creativity” will be accepted.
Award 1st: €5000 The selection of the winner by Lavazza will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.
Option right For the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an extra chance to all participants setting a fee of Euro 2,000.00= (two-thousand/00) for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
For more info, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page. For questions about the brief please use the “Have a question” button or write to

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