"Atmosfere" is an initiative that, since 2013, animates the Politecnico di Milano during the week dedicated to the Salone (and Fuorisalone) of Mobile, an international event. This year, for the first time, a group of architecture students agreed to deal independently with the management of the initiative, I decided to attempt animation from within and from the base of the School of Architecture and involving the whole University. Having received the consent of the AUIC school, the students decided to undertake the process of setting up the initiative in a way that the parties, governing the obligation of collaborations in a structured way, with the aim of making as many students as possible participate. Atmosfere 2019-Domestic Sparks wants to be an initiative that starts from the world of Architecture study to extend to the whole University and therefore to all students. Such an enterprise, set up in a period of great movements and great excitement, architecture and design wants to focus attention on a reflection on the meaning of contemporary domesticity, a theme that induces all and dynamics of meaning, in our context current, of "feeling at home"; there are places where there are places where this reality is found, more and more liquid and divided into large spaces different from those of traditional living. April 12th will be the event in which the artistic installations of the children who have participated and realized their ideas on the theme of domesticity will be exhibited. At 19.30 there will be a critical mass that will involve 500 students who will receive the single founding element of the project: a small light bulb that represents the theme of invention and creativity. The idea of 'feeling at home' conceived by its author, in a more or less complex way. During the course of the evening, each student will deposit his work in the Patio, inside the set up space. The installations will be displayed throughout the coming week.
12 Aprile, Patio di Architettura -Politecnico di Milano