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Design Meets Functionality And Innovation In The Kitchen

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Pavoni Italia, in collaboration with presents the competition “Design meets functionality and innovation in the kitchen”, oriented to the design of objects inherent to the food design sector. 
Pavoni Italia
More than 30 years of history as a leader in the international market of the white art and restaurants sector, 10 years in the household sector with products that have been tried and tested by the world’s best chefs and bakers, near 6000 items in range and 14.000 sqm of production, logistics and storage facilities in Suisio, Bergamo province. 
Historically, Pavoni Italia’s production has been mainly plastic containers, molds, accessories, equipment and small machinery for pastry and bakery, gathering the clients’ demands and identifying the most appropriate solutions with the support of a highly qualified technical office in charge of industrial design and feasibility studies. 
In the past few years, the attention has been extended to the household sector, putting all the qualifications, experience and results obtained throughout its many years of experience in the market to the service of the new line of molds and accessories PAVONIDEA.  
Pavoni Italia has distributors all around the globe; particularly in Europe, Arab countries and the United States, but it’s also present in Africa and Australia. 
Promote Design
Promote Design is born with the goal of promoting the work of designers in a comprehensive and democratic fashion, with the mission of creating interactions for concrete possibilities of realization. The network is nowadays a vehicle that provides an immediate feedback, in fact, after only a few months of going online, Promote Design has seen the number of subscribers grow exponentially. A significant indicator has been the registration of well-known, stablished designers who have felt the need to participate, to be “in touch” and be an essential part of a collective project with strong media impact. 
Promote Design is viewed by  more than 75.000 users every month with a total of 360.000 page views; nowadays, Promote Design, by using different communication channels, is not just a web portal, but has instead become an important network that offers a wide range of services to the creative world. 
>>> Description, competition theme
The theme of the competition contemplates the design of objects useful for preparation/consumption of food and accessories for the table/kitchen/gift items. Creators are requested to analyze the classic ways of use of objects in the food sector and study any eventual new shape/type that would make the product more usable and dynamic. The participation is free and open to both Italian and international designers that have reached 18 years of age; it is possible to participate as a group of designers if represented by a group leader that will act as responsible and reference person. It is also possible to present more than one idea. 
>>> Participation mode
In order to participate in the competition “Design Meets Functionality and Innovation in the Kitchen” it is necessary to register on and follow the online instructions to submit the designs.  
Each participant needs to produce high-quality images that best portray the object as well as accompany each project with a descriptive text that is no longer than 1000 characters including spaces. Designers can submit their ideas from September 1st 2014 until midnight, December 31st 2014. The winners will be announced before January 31st, 2015. The designers that pass the selection will be requested to submit to the company, within 10 working days, the 3D model necessary for the prototyping of the object. 
1. Sign up to
if you're already registered click on ENTER to access to your page.
2. Log in with your profile and click on SUBSCRIBE TO THE CONTEST (the button on the left fo your personal page, in the Pavoni's box).
3. Once you've subscribed click on UPLOAD PROJECTS (the button on the left fo your personal page, in the Pavoni's box).
4. Upload your files through the pop-up window after clicking on Ulpoad Projects.
>>> Design specifications
There are no limits as for the type of project, as long as it belongs to the food design category and that it is studied for an eventual production through molds. Therefore, it is suggested to avoid or limit the undercuts, cavities or difficult profiles to the minimum. The materials used will be preferably elastomers or thermoplastics (e.g. silicon, thermoplastic rubber,  ABS, PP, PA, PMMA, etc.) with the possibility of combination with metal or wood. 
>>> Jury
President of the jury: Paolo Barichella > Food Designer
Enzo Carbone > Founder of
Corinna Pavoni > AD Pavoni Italia
Francesca Russo > Editor ddn Magazine
>>> Deadline
All projects must be uploaded to within midnight, December 31st 2014. 
>>> Awards
The first three classified will be awarded a prize in money and offered a formal contract that establishes the copyrights on the production and commercialization of the winning ideas. The prize in money will be divided as follows:
1st place € 1.000
2nd place € 750
3rd place € 500
>>> Notes
The participants declare that the published projects are of their exclusive creation and authorship, that they’re the sole responsible of the submitted material and therefore indemnifies the organization of any eventual violation to the industrial or intellectual property of a third party determined by the content submitted by the participant to the organization. 
The evaluating committee, when/if considering the quality of the received ideas insufficient, reserves the right to not award the prizes and/or not select the ideas for the public event and/or production. Further information on the participation in the competition can be requested via mail to: or by phone to: +39 02 36580208.


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