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Artisan, architect, maker, entrepreneur, computer scientist, observer, photographer, teacher, author, artist and ... designer. Luca Rovero, graduate in Architecture in Genoa, mechanical designer diploma, Master in architecture for the show and Master of II level in urban quality and light planning, research grant on urban recovery of suburbs. In 2011 founded the study H(M)D - ho(m)medesign. A laboratory where to deepen and develop new research and projects that focus on man and his lifestyle. In 2014, the path taken takes him to Barcelona to deepen the new 3D modeling techniques. "From design to prototyping, through 3D printing, the path I have undertaken has allowed me to specialize more and more in the search for formalism and objective and spatial modeling of projects". Projects and collaborations 2007 Consultant for Fabrica - the Benetton Group Communications Research Center - executive planning of the exhibition "La Scimmia Nuda - The Naked Monkey - Natural history of humanity". 2007 Ideation and design of the setting for the "Ara Christi" event in La Cartuja, El Puig (Valencia) for the "Louis Vuitton Cup Party" of the 32nd edition of the America's Cup. 2012 Co-author of an editorial project that, thanks to the precious collaboration of the RPBW studio, led him to publish with the EPC publishing house the book called "Il Disegno Architettonico Esecutivo – Linee guida alla redazione degli elaborati grafici”. Book that will be later on exhibited in the exhibition entitled "Renzo Piano Building Workshop - Piece by piece" at the Palazzo della Ragione - Padova. 2014 Attainment of the Mcneel certification, and insertion between the Authorized Rhino training centers (artc) and rhino fabstudio (arfs) accredited in Europe for 3D modeling. 2015 Participation in the "3dprinting / virtual enterprise" seminar organized by the cti- liguria (information technology club) with an intervention entitled "digital manufacturing and 3D printing". 2015 Stipulation of a framework agreement with the department of sciences for architecturee in Genoa and in collaboration with the same, on 10 - 11 - 12 June 2015, co-organizer of the event / workshop "3d printing days - think, design , make". 2017 Participation in SMAU Milan in collaboration with the Liguria Region for the presentation of the production project of objects design in small series with 3D printing.
The idea behind MyPixxels has been the result of almost 20 years of research, study and in-depth analysis that take shape thanks to the new modelling and production techniques of 4.0 technology. These techniques allow us to give shape to creative freedom without losing the expressive quality of design, aim to find in the "makers" a contemporary way to craft production. In 2017, this dream became a project called MyPixxels presented at SMAU - Milan in collaboration with Regione Liguria and, in May 2018 became an Innovative Start-Up that deals with 3D modelling projects, parametric modelling projects and production with 3D printing. MyPixxels is focused on the development and production of proprietary and exclusive design objects. Our small runs of production have an innovative nature because are realized with a totally digital production chain. Conceiving, drawing and producing an object takes place without ever going through paper and the process is carried out by using ecological materials. A freedom of form that is almost endless, without any waste of raw materials. Every object is made directly on commission, making the most of 3D printers potential. MyPixxels is also at the avantgarde for the prototyping and production of objects created according to customers’ needs. Our business furthermore provides consulting and 3D modelling courses with Rhinoceros and on the 3D printing additive digital technologies with fusion of filament. Why a Gecko? The logo depicts a gecko with 5 legs. The gecko is famous for its beautiful colors and because it is able to get in-sync and integrate with the environment that surrounds it. Moreover, it is often portrayed as a symbol of regeneration and it perfectly represents the values behind the MyPixxels project. Adaptability, strength and survival skills that allow to overcome seemingly impassable obstacles by adapting to every situation. It is a perfect metaphor of what a fusion between design and new technologies can represent for contemporary corporate production. Did you notice that our gecko has 5 paws? The fifth paw represents the added value which allows to succeed in any business: determination The offer MyPixxels’ products are halfway between industrial design and craftsmanship. The runs of production are limited but they can be repeated in series compared to the craft model. This type of production allows the user to purchase a tailored craftsmanship design, through the choice of color, pairings and small customizations which aim to reflect the customers’ personality and preferences and to make the purchased product unique and original. All design projects come from an intuition and a careful observation of what surrounds us, giving shape to virtual models which over time are enriched through continuous research.  In the first year, only 3 of our projects got to the production stage. Only the concepts which prove themselves to be able to adapt and stand out throughout the whole artistic process will make it.
"The name was born by chance when a friend saw the lamp without its lampshade and asked if I was printing a narghilè (hookah). From that moment on, we had a name for our product." The LED table lamp, made using 3D printers, strikes the customer with its ample range of unique solutions suitable to all environments. 52 colors and 32 cable choices make up for a total of over 1600 combinations.  In addition to standard power supply, the USB plug allows the lamp to be connected to your portable devices and even to your portable charger. You will be able to light up your terrace or garden and have a dim light romantic dinner. You will be able to customize the base ring of the lamp with words which will make the object truly unique.
“an empty bottle of bitter, a typical Italian soft drink, and the idea of making a fun design piece is all we needed to give life to our chessboard” A 54x54x26 cm game plan with 32 unique design bottle caps it’s the second product, created with 3D printers, by MyPixxels

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