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Hexagro Urban Farming

Hexagro Urban Farming is born as a bachelor degree graduation project in Costa Rica, where pollution due to the large use of pesticides in agricultural fields is provoking health issues to its consumers placing the country with one of the highest stomach cancer rates in the world. 
Hexagro Urban Farming Srl. For-Benefit, develops solutions to increase the accessibility to healthy food in urban areas where fresh products prices are too high, fertile land is not available and environmental conditions are not adequate for crops production. We created a collaborative online urban farming network composed by local producers (urban farmers that could use our high-yield indoor systems to produce food) and consumers that can find these products through an online platform in their location, thus creating a sharing economy within a city. We have developed a holistic approach to urban farming which consists on hardware, software and service products for B2B and B2C customers. These three, empower new inexperienced users by generating profit from their indoor farming activity.
The hardware consists of indoor farming systems, accessories and resources for groundless cultivation (hydroponics/aeroponics) which allow the growing of fresh food in households or businesses.  These systems are monitored and controlled through a dedicated software connected to a monitoring device that reduces the time in maintenance through the automatization of the subsystems, for example lighting and irrigation devices.  Furthermore, the assistance through a service of maintenance and resource supply in-site is a possibility for our clients to guarantee the good function and performance of our hardware.
We are passionate for design, sustainability and innovation, that's why we like to work hard and learn any kind of new things. Our vision states that Anybody, anywhere can access healthy food.
Prodotto: Living Farming Tree
Il Living Farming Tree è un prodotto ispirato alla natura con l’uso della Biomimesi utilizzando strategie per il risparmio di spazio in modo efficiente come fanno le Api Alveari  e la crescita veloce come gli Alberi di Guanacaste. Grazie all’uso effciente dello spazio, è in grado di crescere 120 piante in una configurazione completa di 20 moduli. E "vivo" perché interagisce con l'utente attraverso un App e segnali visibili che esprimono lo stato attuale del sistema.

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Farm Cultural Park
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