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PROGETTISTA: Nico tropea

  • Year:: 2011
  • Category:: Altro
  • Customer:: Concorso Progetta un Sorriso
  • Viewed: 418 TIMES
DESCRIZIONE: 3rd International Competition for Interior Designers "Progetta un Sorriso" ed.2010-2011 The theme of the contest is part of the 7th floor of...
3rd International Competition for Interior Designers "Progetta un Sorriso" ed.2010-2011 The theme of the contest is part of the 7th floor of 'Company Opedialiera University of Modena - Hospital. On the 7th floor is located the Department of Maternal and Child Hospital where there are departments General Pediatrics, Pediatric Surgery, Day Hospital Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. The goal is to make better, through the study of humanized space, quality of stay of children in hospital. The project sought to include new and unusual shapes for a hospital ward, with which to cheer and encourage children to move and relate to others, encouraging them also to identify these forms with elements that may result from their "creativity" and " imagination ". The elimination of "right angles", angular, rigid interpretation of a philosophy is to be applied to where people live, as applied because it was deemed "appropriate" to the theme of each design concept, in the case of the project which this so everything is related to will, undoubtedly the most common, of wanting to "kill" all rigid forms that in the minds of the creators of this study, are considered "impediments" in respect of a willingness to welcome "caressing" the young patient, the curve as a wave, as a surface that has no end, an area not confined to a simple intersection of two lines, a visual that helps the brain and input to this new and often painful world. A shape reminiscent of motherhood, the roundness of a mother's womb, which has always transmitted and transmits serenity and sense of security, the confidence that each of us, children of this world, brings with it as "easy baggage" from birth. And this is already the first killing of a barrier is certainly not easy to overcome, a reality that gives rise, as already mentioned, many reactions in the mind of a child. The whole project is therefore a consciousness of "donation" of love and hope, a wish to "spoil" the young patient in a structure otherwise cold and detached, in order to donate beyond the material and forms, that " smile "that was the theme from which they never quit. A smile that drove us to realize our project engineers in the full knowledge to offer an idea, an idea, a vision of the personal journey of children forced by illness to cross an unknown world that must and should be welcome and respect , above and beyond knowledge offices and bombastic beliefs, food for thought that should expand to any accommodation, whether for children and adults. A "smile" and won with a clear conscience to be helpful, a 'human caresses the strong arms of science.

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