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PROGETTISTA: Jessica Bonazzi

  • Year:: 2012
  • Category:: Altro
  • Viewed: 1152 TIMES
DESCRIZIONE: Since its birth at the beginning the industrial world-Era, the office has always been the perfect scenary where the relationship between the people...
Since its birth at the beginning the industrial world-Era, the office has always been the perfect scenary where the relationship between the people and the tension among the social hierarchies is well represented. Today an worker employer tends to have (or must have!) a lot of skills about his job; the more he is qualified, the better. Unfortunately “working” has no longer the same meaning of the last decades: even thought the workers are very skilled the nowadays society is asking them something like a service, rather than a product. This is the reason why the modern office has become a place where people can share they feedback and impressions, in addition to their real output.The modern office is ready to change: the “private” space turns to a “social”, a “common” space, while the physical work is becoming a virtual work. What during the ‘60 appeared a “place for goods”, now appears a “theatre”, where the radical transformation of every day society happens. Like to the past, the office’s furnishings generally consist of a desk, a chair, a drawner and tools that the job required (computer, a lamp…) but it’s also important to remember, that the office represents the best example of the social organization. Another important aspect to consider is that it’s possible to work “on the road”. In fact, thanks to the new I.T. — Information Technology —, such as computers, tablets, smartphone, etc. the people have the chance to keep an working at their project without being at their office, like at home, travelling by train or airplane, during the lunch break… Even thought it’s possible to work without being at work, the office still exists. As I said before, the office, like a library or convey, represents the place for human-being interaction in relation to the function of it: for istance the monastery space planning, with its peculiar common and individual space organization, takes a shape of the modern office organization. From the XIX century, on the employer become the main figure of the workspace.In the early years of XX century, in order to supervise and rule the white collars, the open space office turns to be the democratic mask to control the worker’s job. As a matter of fact the office design discipline was born in the U.S.A. during the ‘10, but it took root expecially after the II w.w., where the office furniture and space organization were standardised thanks to international architecture. During the ‘80 the workplace experienced the I.T. revolution, which keeps on nowadays. A different new opportunityes surround the old idea of office, because it becames a “club”, an “intellingent working environment” and “more home/less office” what was definied “nestbuilding” — the personal feeling to “own” the workplace — actually doesn’t exist anymore, died to the precariousness. In fact, the temporary employment has changed also the office forniture: the new concept is “co-working”, which means for example a temporary rent of a studio, that is shared by a lot of people with different skills and background. The “temporary space-office”, which is normally alterned among the co-workers, is assuming the typical modern instability and discontinuity. Egocentrica© has been designed in order to provide a techological and social space suitable for the people moving from a place to another. The concept was thought to fill those empty spaces of the airports waiting rooms in which many without collars are “constricted” to keep on working, moving from a city to another. Egocentrica© has been projected to guest the modern “gipsy” worker, providing him to use his laptop, thanks to the “wing”.

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