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    PROGETTISTA: Riccardo d'Oria

    • Year:: 2011
    • Category:: LIGHTING
    • Customer:: Privato
    • Viewed: 854 TIMES
    DESCRIZIONE: The project first objective of this project was to meet the requirements of a very demanding customer: in the intervention in 2 months and enhance a...
    The project first objective of this project was to meet the requirements of a very demanding customer: in the intervention in 2 months and enhance a garden of about 500 square meters, with considerable potential, motivating factor that prompted the purchase of the customer ' entire property. A haven of greenery that hidden inside a house in the '70s, was the starting point to achieve a glamorous, where light becomes architecture, where the dwelling becomes fluid and exciting. The main objective was to drastically change the image of the villa, turn it into a place that can also communicate with the outside world, in a place in flux, a fluid place, unable to move and create a mood. Hence our project idea has gained strength. We have enhanced the perimeter of the villa, highlighting the texture of the fence material made of red bricks, and creating a play of light and shadow on the hedge, we returned back into a shallow depth of field, especially noticeable from the outside, so as to recreate an intriguing atmosphere that intrigues those approaching. The entire garden, characterized by the presence of pine trees from above, has been revised completely through the alternation of hierarchical paths and platforms re-qualifying the general layout, establishing an order of forms and functions, nonexistent before then. Our goal was, from the very first approach to the project, to give shape to a space that would meet the standards of a "living fluid", where the user had a chance to live "en plein air" outdoor space with huge potential.   When we designed the exterior of the villa, we have deliberately forgotten that we were designing the exterior of a private, almost estraniandoci from the initial theme of the project. Our idea was focused on recreating a lounge setting, where you breathe a soft atmosphere, where the pace of life would slow down. Hence the idea to think of a huge expanse of green, divorced from reality, interrupted by wooden platforms, which as rafts adrift, lived life and its light, soft and never intrusive. An atmosphere where the light is always tenuous, not ever breaks the silence of the night, as if to remind the lighted lanterns on fishing vessels at sea. The platforms appear to float thanks to an innovative lighting made of profiles of Nanoline Deltalight. This is the new generation that led bars, surrounded by bands of white pebbles, reinforce the idea of ​​the platform "suspended", creating environments of great value. On the surface, instead, we used cubic Mister junior, to echo the idea of ​​lanterns. The platform smaller, about 11 square meters, includes a unique system consists of shower / bench. The shower is uncovered, so it is a pleasant place where you can refresh looking at the sky. The platform larger, about 45 sqm, is the place par excellence of relaxation characterized by a comfortable seating system. This in turn runs along the parking area, which we have deliberately decided to conceal using a green filter (creeper) climbing on a white picket fence. The third platform instead, directly connected to the outdoor dining lends itself to bring to life the most pleasant moments related to lunch. The existing outdoor dining area (area covered by canopy White) has been revised in response to the request of the owners also want to use outer space for organizing dinners, engage in barbecue etc. .. Hence the idea to organize the area under the canopy, with a large outdoor kitchen, equipped with every comfort The green areas remaining, however, have all been revisited: We have enhanced some existing essences (palms), and other planted from scratch as as hibiscus and sterlizie. In addition, the entrance to the villa is equipped with a small kitchen fragrant, made of wood.

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