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It's Time to Play with Creativity

Deadline, 5 Settembre 2016

Contest launched in occasion of the Salone del mobile in MilanProgetti likes to innovate and renovate, to be a source of ideas and to rethink simple and everyday objects in original and fun ways, without losing their main function. This is the spirit that led to the creation of “It’s time to play with Creativity”. This contest invites all creative talents of the world to analyse an object that, in its daily presence, is much more than a time indicator or a furnishing item. 
The clock hides several meanings that arise from the different conceptions that time is able to arouse. And because of its nature, the clock assumes a leadership role that we ask you to re-interpret, drawing an object that maintains its functionality and that can become… a timeless design! The company was among the first in Italy to come up with clocks and cuckoo clocks that combine originality and functionality thanks to collaborations with great architects and designers of international fame. Now it’s your turn to give birth to a product able to mark everyday time bringing up the same values!
Product typology: you can design a clock or a cuckoo clock
Target audience: Progetti creations are designed to satisfy the most demanding tastes, attentive to exclusivity and to detail, but also the expectations of a wider and young audience, sensitive to new things, natural and ecological materials, simple and emotional designs. 
Judging criteria: all projects will be judged on the basis of the present brief and will take into account originality, feasibility, aesthetics, functionality, efficient use of materials, commerciality and, most of all, compliance with the Progetti brand. 
The contest is divided into 4 different phases: 
1. SUBMISSION PHASE From 15/04/2016 to 05/09/2016  Gain access to contest brief and submit your proposal following the instructions provided in this document. 
2.EVALUATION PHASE From 05/09/2016 to 12/09/2016  Progetti will examine your work and select those that meet contest requirements. 
3.VOTING PHASE From 12/09/2016 to 19/09/2016 You’re invited to express your preference on the submitted proposals in order to help Progetti receive feedback on future products. 
4.AWARD 19/09/2016 The selection of the winner by Progetti will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented. internazionali e, se messe in produzione, porteranno alla firma di un contratto di Royalties.
For more information,  CLICK HERE



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