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Copper and the Home 2016

Deadline 30 settembre 2016

All entries must be intended for home decoration, and their finished forms should feature prominent use of copper or its alloys (such as brass, bronze, cupronickel, etc.).
The objects designed must be for use in the home (items for offices, shops, schools, hospitals, and public buildings are also acceptable) and could fit one of these example categories:
- Furniture (chairs, tables, trolleys, coffee tables, bookcases);
- Kitchenware and tableware (pots, food warmers, cookie cutters, glasses, etc.);
- Complementary furniture (coat hangers, magazine racks, dividers, picture frames, vases);
- Coverings and decorations (wall coverings, floors, dividing walls, screens, doors);
- Functional elements (radiators, lamps, lights, switches);
- Technical elements (handles, hand rails, taps, plaques).
Whilst it is possible to integrate other materials into the design, copper or copper alloys must form a major and significant part of it.
The project must showcase the technical, aesthetic and expressive potential of copper and its alloys, and it should be suitable for mass production.
Technological innovations related to the production cycle of the object will also be considered during judging.
The competition is open to those born after September 30th 1976 and is divided into two categories:
- Designer, architect, individual or group as well as graduated employees working in these fields.
- Individual student, or group, enrolled in a higher education school of graphics, interior decorating, interior design, a faculty of architecture or interior design, undertaking doctorates, masters or equivalent courses, coordinated by at least one course teacher.
Projects must be received no later than September 30th 2016 (the e-mail may be used as proof).
Participation in the competition is free of charge.
The submission of a project by the date mentioned above (see the deadline) is considered to be a request to participate in the competition.
Technical documentation specifying the technical motivations for the use of copper or its alloys must be included for all projects. This should be a maximum of 2000 characters in Word or PDF format, and include the project name or description.
It is possible to submit more than one entry, provided they are sent separately. Each submission must contain one project only. Different versions of the same project (i.e. a table lamp and a floor lamp) will not be considered different projects.
No material sent will be returned.
Projects should be emailed to:
Copyright will respond to candidates by email upon receipt of the project, and will then prepare a chronological list of all entries and forward the projects – in an anonymous form – to the jury.
Projects must be submitted by email and files must have the following characteristics:
- Drawings and photos in JPG or PDF format (in high-definition – 300 dpi – and a minimum size of 21x29.7 cm), which can be read by the most common software in a Windows® or Mac® environment;
- Technical report in Word or PDF format, with a maximum 2000 characters;
- The project (drawing or photos and technical reports) should be distinguished by a logo or pseudonym.
The names of the authors must not be indicated.
A copy of the competition details can be downloaded from our websites.
If the project does not meet the above criteria, it will not be accepted.
Projects in development, not yet being marketed as of the closing date of September 30th 2016, may also be submitted to the competition.
All participants, including all members of the group, must enclose the following documentation:
- A copy of a valid identity card or passport;
- Signed authorisation for the processing of personal data (download Form A1);
- The email address for receipt confirmation and any further communications.
In addition to the previously-mentioned requirements, each student must send certification that they are currently enrolled on a relevant course, and written confirmation from a course (or head) teacher that they served as the project co-ordinator (download Form A2).
The judging panel will consist of three professionals in the field of architecture and design:
- Philippe Bestenheider – Designer
- Diego Grandi – Architect and Designer
- Marco Romanelli – Architect and Critic
The projects will be examined in an anonymous form.
The jury will meet at the IIR headquarters, or another location deemed appropriate.
It will keep minutes of its proceedings and its decisions are to be considered absolutely final.
After judging has taken place, the winners will be notified by email.
The IIR is not bound to disclose the reason for any exclusions made by the jury.
The following prizes may be awarded:
Designers and Architects
- 1st Prize: €4,000
- 2nd Prize: €2,500
Student Category
- Prize: €1,500
A special plaque will be awarded to the school whose course is considered to have most effectively addressed the competition.
special plaque will be awarded to an Italian designer chosen by the Italian Copper Institute, according to specific criteria, and they will be encouraged to present their project hors concours.
The jury, in addition to the listed prizes, may assign ex-aequo prizes and special mentions based on its final judgement.

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