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The theme of the competition has been inspired by the book: “Pets. How pets have occupied our homes and hearts” by Guido Guerzoni. “Worshipped by millions of fans, courted by the multinationals of the sector and chased by the media, pet design protagonists have a thriving future ahead of them …. no one can be denied a beautiful piece of design, let alone our loved ones” from the book “Pets. How pets have occupied our homes and hearts” by G. Guerzoni
The competition is included in the events of VareseDesignWeek 2018 with the theme: “COLORFUL DESIGN” and is promoted by the Cultural Association Wareseable that is the organiser.
“Then the passion became global, creating a sector which, appeasing the humanization of our life companions, has invented every aspect of their life and comfort: sport equipment, strollers and trolleys, booster seats and rocking chairs, games, doors, bookcases and bedtables, indoor kennels and outdoor houses, beds and couches, armchairs and carpets, sunshades and umbrellas, bowls and cutlery, containers and dispensers, boxes and enclosures, bathtubs and beds, combs and brushes, toothbrushes, professional scratchers, as well as harsher constraint tools, such as straps, leashes, collars and muzzles. A pet scale world, designed down to the smallest detail, which has found its bards, eager to fulfil every desire, because there are few things pets can’t do like us” from the book “Pets. How pets have occupied our homes and hearts” by G. Guerzoni
The purpose of the competition is to ideate new typologies of objects for the indoor and outdoor life of dogs and cats: we ask to propose design objects which are the result of in-depth studies and reasoning referred also to new human lifestyles which therefore involve pets as well.  Quoting Guido Guerzoni: “ … because we spend more and more time together: with our pets we sleep, we go for walks in the morning, afternoon and evening, we go to work, we share couches, lunches and dinners, we go to bars, to restaurants, to friends, on trips, on holiday..”. No limit to materials and colours, provided that the project hypothesises a daily use object, which the pet can really experience, and which is realized respecting both the environment and the four-legged pet. It is important that the object is a product which may be prototyped and produced in series. 
Art.1. The Competition is open to persons aged 18 or over, having turned 18 within and not later than the entry deadline of this competition, of any nationality. The call for entries is addressed to persons who work as designers and/or within creativity and design field and who possess qualifications related to this orientation and finality. 
Art.2. Entrants can be individuals or groups; in the latter case it is required to designate a group leader, who will be the only reference for the competition purposes. Entrants are required to fill out the form which can be downloaded from: 
Art.3. Every candidate or group can participate by submitting separately a maximum number of 3 projects, which will have to be submitted according to the modalities specified in arts. 5 and 9. 
Art. 4. Entrants can register for the Competition writing in Italian or English. 
Art.5. Submission modalities: a) a maximum of three project tables in A3 format in PDF, in good definition (minimum 300 dpi), containing: _ technical drawing of the object with plan view and at least two perspective drawings and a section of the object; _ renders or representative sketches providing the final idea of the object; _ an outline of construction or assembly details, by way of technical drawings and/or sketches; _ a report in Italian or English language, maximum 1000 characters, written in A4 format, describing the project concept and inspiration, use, materials, construction method, dimensions and colour, as well as the product name. b) the file of the project in 3D in STL format. The file will have to be named as follows: “PROJECT NAME – number assigned by the Secretary upon entry - tab. No. ... PDF” Only the files named as above will be evaluated by the jury. The tables and the report must not contain the name of the entrants, but only the project name and the number assigned by the Secretary upon entry.
Art. 6. Entry will have to be submitted WITHIN AND NOT LATER THAN 30/06/2018 to the email address and include: - entry form (with attached copy of identity document) - group form (in case of group entry – with relative copies of identity documents of all entrants) - copy of entry fee payment receipt 
Art. 7. The entrant’s project will have to arrive WITHIN AND NOT LATER THAN 31/07/2018 and include all the documents listed in art. 5 hereof. Every entrant (or group) shall submit their project to the mailbox, within the deadlines set forth herein, specifying in the subject line the project name and the number that the secretary will send upon entry, which shall also appear in the title block of the table. 
Art. 8. Entry fee is euro 150.00, to be paid to the following bank account in the name of: WARESEABLE  - reason: entry to competitions of ideas 2018: pet design IBAN: IT49J0335901600100000148536 for foreign operativity: BIC: BCITITMX IBAN: IT49J0335901600100000148536 
Art. 9. For entering various projects, it is sufficient to make a single payment of the below mentioned fee, related to the number of projects submitted: _ one project: 150.00 euro _ two projects: 270.00 euro _ three projects: 400.00 euro (maximum number)
Art.10. All the material submitted will not be returned. 
Art.11. The judgement of the jury is unappealable. Entering the competition implies integral acceptance of the rules therein and explicit waiver of any claim. Furthermore, in case the Jury should believe not to have appraisable material in the first 10 finalists, it may reduce the number of the winners and acknowledgements and participants in the exhibition. 
Art.12. Program and locations of the prizegiving will be timely communicated by publication on the site: 
Art.13. Copyright will remain the sole property of the entrants. The entrants guarantee that the project is unpublished and assume personally and exclusively any responsibility with respect to the submitted project in relation to any infringement of patents or copyright of third parties; they guarantee to have exclusive ownership of the submitted material, to wholly own the copyright thereof, and that the rights of ownership and copyright are not burdened by any act which may constrain the effectiveness
thereof; they guarantee to have obtained  a due disclaimer for any recognizable persons and/or things which may be present in the submitted material, releasing and holding harmless the Proclaimer and Organiser of this competition from any consequence and liability which should arise from publication and/or use of the material in violation of third party rights as set forth in D.L. n. 196 of 30.06.2003; they agree that the tables, the mockups and the prototypes realized for the finalities herein remain the exclusive property of Wareseable. 
Art.14. Wareseable, as proclaimer and organiser, undertakes not to disclose, divulge to third parties or use, directly or indirectly, for reasons not strictly pertaining to competition organization and realization, information, data and documentation related to the entrants, acquired during organisation and realization of the initiative. 
Art.15. Failure to comply, partially or totally, with the provisions set forth in the articles herein will result in irrevocable exclusion from the competition. Art.16. Entry to the competition will be effective only when the entrant receives from the organization an entry acceptance mail containing the project submission modalities and the reference number, within the dates provided herein. 
Art.17.The following are excluded: members of Wareseable Association, Enterprises and Limited Companies. Also entrants who have not completed every part of the entry form and who have not paid the entry fee will be excluded. 
Art.18. It is required NOT to use photographs of persons, preferring other original themes or stylised elements. Art.19. Queries for clarifications concerning the competition can be sent to the email address within 28/02/2018 and answers will be published within 10/03/2018 on the site.
The prizes awarded to the first three projects selected are: 1st prize: 1,000.00 euro cash prize 2nd prize: a prize with a retail value of 700.00 euro 3rd prize: a prize with a retail value of 300.00 euro
Furthermore, a 3D mockup and a video interview will be made for the first three projects selected. The video interview will be published in the section of the website dedicated to the Competition. The first ten projects selected will participate, besides, in a special exhibition, organized in the months following VareseDesignWeek 2018. 

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