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Aura Light Italia

Deadline 10th March 2019

Aura Light Italia is pleased to invite you to take part in its contest of ideas: designing a new product, a lamp suitable for use in offices and practices, created to enhance the well-being of individuals.
COMPANY DESCRIPTION: We are a company specialising in lighting solutions, of Swedish origin, with lighting expertise that dates back to 1930. Today, Aura Light Italia is a commercial partner of the Aura Light International AB Group; it is based in Castel San Pietro Terme near Bologna, Italy. Aura Light Italia is a lighting company that designs functional, safe, design-oriented lighting solutions to enhance personal well-being using the most innovative and cutting-edge technologies. More information on
OBJECTIVE/SUBJECT OF THE CONTEST: Aura Light Italia’s challenge is aimed at students, creative talent and young designers aged 18 to 30 to design a luminaire for practices and/or offices.
CONTEST PARTICIPATION TERMS: Taking part in the contest is free; the contest will be divided in several phases and is open to all creative talent aged between 18 and 30 years. Both individuals and groups can take part in the contest; in the latter case, a group leader will be named in the registration form. Each participant or group can create and submit only one project idea. Registration both as an individual and as part of a group is not allowed.
MATERIALS REQUIRED: Valid participation in the contest is conditional upon the submission of the following documentation: -2 drawings in A3 format which may contain technical drawings/sketches/renderings/prototype photos (pdf files of maximum 5 MB each), -1 explanatory text of up to 800 characters (in Italian) to be delivered in A4 format (.pdf file), containing details on the materials. The files must all be identified only by the code assigned by submitting the registration form.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: 1. Creativity 20% 2.Versatility (suitability for ceiling - wall - table - etc. positioning) 20% 3.Technological innovation (well-being - HCL- Iot - sound absorption) 20% 4.Saleability (production costs - modularity - market applications) 20% 5. Aesthetic Appeal 20% For each evaluation criterion a score of up to 20 points will be awarded, up to a maximum total of 100 points for each project. The submitted projects will be subject to moderation before publishing. All the submitted photography may participate in the contest, according to the methods and terms indicated above, provided the images are in line with the proposed subject, are not against common decency and the dignity of the people pictured, do not advertise products and/or trademarks, or portray any religion or religious organisation including through specific symbols. The promoter company reserves the right to preliminarily review the submitted documentation and discard any which, in terms of contents, title or description, is considered, in the company’s own unquestionable judgement, off topic or otherwise inappropriate, offensive or vulgar, or against public morality and decency. All contributions that do not meet the above requirements will not participate in the contest.
LANGUAGE: All texts are required to be written in Italian.
DEADLINES: Contest notice publishing date: 21 January 2019 --> Registration date: from 31 January 2019 to 10 March 2019 --> Project delivery date: from 11 March 2019 to 11:59 pm on 20 March 2019 --> Date of winners announcement (1st and 2nd place): from 1 April 2019 on the website and related social networks Prize awarding date: 09-14 April 2019 The award ceremony will take place during the DESIGN+SENSIBILE event 
PARTICIPATION METHOD:  By filling out the online form you will receive an identifying code with which to sign the project so that, throughout the project, the participants will not be named, ensuring an unbiased (and indisputable) judgement.
JURY COMPOSITION: 5 representatives of various divisions of Aura Light Italia, with the participation of Massimo Caiazzo Color Consultant and Designer, President of IACC Italia.
PRIZES: 1st prize € 3,000.00 or a six-months’ internship at Aura Light Italia, Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna, Italy. The internship will take place from 2 May 2019 to 30 November 2019 (for a total of 20 hours per week) and during it, you will support analysis, creation and production activities for the winning lamp. 2nd prize € 1,000.00.
RIGHTS OF THE WINNERS AND PARTICIPANTS: The winner will be named as the author of the project in all communication. By applying to take part in the contest, participants accept to surrender exploitation rights to the winning project, and accept any changes to the product, giving up any industrial property rights related to the project (with reference to both the brand and the design) which will be selected for subsequent production and marketing.
SELECTED PROJECTS DISCLOSURE: By taking part in the contest, all participants authorise Aura Light Italia to disclose/display their product/prototype/project during related events, and to publish their project on the web and in print, without this entitling them to any claim. The participants guarantee that the submitted works do not in any way infringe rights of third parties. Aura Light Italia as the organiser may not be held responsible for any infringement of the rights of third parties by the participants.

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