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PROGETTISTA: Nico tropea

  • Year:: 2012
  • Category:: Altro
  • Customer:: Premio Le Cinque Stagioni
  • Viewed: 694 TIMES
DESCRIZIONE: Internationale Competition "Premio Le Cinque Stagioni" Milano Designers: Nico Tropea (ZENZERODESIGN/Raneri & Partner) Federica...
Internationale Competition "Premio Le Cinque Stagioni" Milano Designers: Nico Tropea (ZENZERODESIGN/Raneri & Partner) Federica Lentini New Concept: COME IL BASILIKO The pizza takes home three thousand years ago by different forms of flat bread cooked on hot stones or crushed. The "pizza", understood as crushed thin, was thus the first man unleavened bread. A "history" for a food as old as "essential" from the origin to the present day, could not be "subject" field of studies, debates, competitions related to his "place of consumption" that could make it just and raising it to a well-deserved appreciation concept of "global" and inserting it in a "social" that would combine the quality of the product quality of the environment and that could stand as a place of communication and interaction between the subjects of this "new" concept. So the pizza is no longer seen as a quick meal "hit and run" but as a meal, even if consumed in even a brief lunch break, could be "enjoyed" in a "comfortable", convenient not only for the "convenience" of sessions but also and above all the spaces for innovation, services and technologies. In our study, we sought to model these concepts with the same design choice, looking at the subject from which they do not go out and identifying each idea into a "visual concept" that would have elements "common denominators" of them and live in every idea that could arise at the end, "technology", "communication", "fun", "quality". The "leaf" and starred in countless important recipes, smell, taste, goodness, everywhere, like parsley, and this last "observation" was the immediate source of inspiration for the name of this new possible "meeting place": it is born "COMEILBASILIKO", a container of many services is dedicated to fast food (fast food), "streamlining" the definition same as in the case of other figures with different times of fruition, the meal "relaxed" (easy-food restaurants) where the same services can be managed in a broader conception of space-time, creating a "new pizza experience", that our new way of imagining the "pizza" and its context. Same concept is designed to identify in the removal of food (mozzarella area), also linked to an interactive test that can identify, as for other services, in an "entertainment" induced, in a form of "cancellation" of the times of waiting. As the barber there are magazines, but Comeilbasiliko will never be as "detached" itself will be revised, communication services, web space, indicating a "Big Book" where pizza will be featured among the leaders, where "l ' guest, "he will be the protagonist of a story that, if willing, can build, comes the" customization of the menu ", both from the local through" interactive displays ", which the client from the web, in addition to a basic menu where they will be proposed different recipes in the processing of flour, which is the combination of food, can customize their own menus, its own "pizza" by choosing from a range of fresh products (tomato area) and season to "km 0" in the hinterland or products, As for the basil, and products placed in the same "format" (zone basil), within COMEILBASILIKO, edited and shown to the customer; plants, included in the three selected varieties (Cinnamon, Black Opal and crispum) will be donated to the the same (customer loyalty), according to a specific "target business, or bought and taken away in an eco-friendly packaging made from materials (tipORTOconME). Trade policy is part of the removal of the product and the brand also meant this as a finished product which, when inserted in the packaging, is "carried around" and "engaged" in the "social culture" through the "taste" (not just "papillary "), the" word ", the" vision ". Everyone will then, in the concept of customization of the menu, "create" their own pizza also relying on the "chef", interacting on the site, by sending an email with their description, their character, their preferences (menu psychological), buying so a "pizzasolotua" in a sort of "game" between the parties, involvement and interaction. The "chef" therefore "subject" of a captivating storyline, the protagonist of the protagonists, the subject of "CHEF & YOU", a "kitchen for rent", a dedicated space that can be booked and used and that, with the help of a chef , can be used to experiment with new recipes from the world of pizza and be part of "congregation" inviting their friends to try these "new personal products" in the local best recipes will be posted on facebook and be included in Depending on the rating received in the basic menu or a menu dedicated to "inventions" in the "Chefs & YOU". COMEILBASILIKO interactive project will be made "in practice" in a hotel and more structures with the same denominator. It will also create an application that will allow Apple to discover the "feature" of the room, interact, sort, write, comment, both from home and from the same place through a WEB ZONE also dedicated to "comment in real time" with access to a room on the first floor, and enriched with multiple locations in the web where you can enjoy other specialties, pizza slices, in addition to the traditional and timeless cafes. "COMEILBASILIKO" was therefore a "social and ideological choice" from which sparked a "design choice", a space distribution that took into account all the "brain information" carried on and developed into a knowledge distribution that could, of course, So be realizzata.La pizza as a place of communication and interaction, pizza, our beloved pizza, high in the context of the concept for social food.

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