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PROGETTISTA: Antonio Saporito

  • Year:: 2012
  • Category:: Chairs / stools / benches
  • Customer:: Concorso Internazionale
  • Viewed: 659 TIMES
DESCRIZIONE: 2012 Paredes - Portogal Chair : Image is an object which owes its name to a pictorial inspiration in which fragmented geometric planes and colors...
2012 Paredes - Portogal Chair : Image is an object which owes its name to a pictorial inspiration in which fragmented geometric planes and colors have the sole purpose of creating harmony . The new design is based on materials used traditionally , which, in our specific approach , are characterized by solid wood, of which the keyword is craftsmanship. The image of the chair represents the canvas of the designer who , through the breakdown of the form, creates the new seat that seems to be drawn from a work by Fernand Léger, a follower of the Cubist movement. The chair 'Image' is characterized by the particular movement of the lines and colored surfaces of different wood essences, where the chair, like the canvas, no longer represents a limit. The shape of the chair maintains all of the characteristics of ergonomics and functionality. The chair 'Image' is the result of careful consideration of the matter and the materials, whereby the innovation lies in the assembly of pieces of wood from scrap material to be recycled . These realizations highlight the craftsmanship and the semi-industrial production available in this area. The chair 'Image' is made of solid wood and is light . Starting from an idea, each part is then carved so that the final creation may be appreciated as a sculpture , or even through transparent or reflecting planes of supporting surfaces . Thanks to its particular configuration, it is stackable in both versions , with or without armrests . The chair' Image' is versatile as it is realized with different wood essences. Four of the five wood essences are found in the four legs and the fifth essence, the lighter one, is in the seat and the backrest. Technical features : The chair 'Image' is realized through the assembly of different solid wood sections that have been worked and cut so as to fit and be glued together. Joints resulting from the assembly of the pieces are coated with a thin layer of solid wood veneer . The structure has a range of sections: The leg section varies from 2cmx2cm up to 3,5cm x 3,5cm. The seat is slightly slanted for a better back support , its section varies from 1,5 cm up to 2 cm , while that of the wooden side elements varies from 6 cm to 3,5 cm; The backrest has been sectioned in the lower part to a thickness of 3 cm and , in the upper part ,of 1,5 cm. The armrests section varies from 7cm to 2 cm.

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