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PROGETTISTA: Studiounodesign Nuti & Bartolomeo

  • Year:: 2012
  • Category:: Altro
  • Viewed: 586 TIMES
DESCRIZIONE: Scalo 13 is a new bar & restaurant set inside a building that was designed to be used as a Directional Centre. Dating back to 1913, this area was...
Scalo 13 is a new bar & restaurant set inside a building that was designed to be used as a Directional Centre. Dating back to 1913, this area was once a massive hangar for the storage of airships (or dirigible blimps) whose purpose was to patrol the coastal areas of the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Seas. A classical time period theme was the concept recommended for the development of the project design and decoration of the establishment. Other than the comfort of a traditional setting, the bar/restaurant offers an ideal location for public and private events, also at night. This was accomplished through the careful research of rationalizing and distributing space. The materials used in the construction are cutting-edge and perfectly blend the design together with the clean shapes, giving a stylish identity while demonstrating relaxation and comfort. The flooring and coating of the bar counter were made with "slimtech" tiles 100 x 300 cm in size courtesy of the LEA Ceramiche company. The sobriety and essentiality of the counter block, placed in the center of the bar, is softened by a frame that surrounds it and then expands out to the whole room with a circumference of colors and materials that simulate movement. The use of three different shades of color with only a subtle distinction between each, made it possible to measure and mix the colors of the walls with those of the flooring as if to create a continuous tract interrupted by splits (cracks/cuts) of a an eggplant purple placed in contrast. The shapes diverge between well-defined lines and long curvatures, matching and mixing the components with natural attributes. The symbolic airship displayed across the wall of the restaurant area attempts to touch upon the remembrance of an important past associated with places such as these.

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