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PROGETTISTA: Antonio Saporito

  • Year:: 2013
  • Category:: Table lamps
  • Customer:: Competition: Sharp Design
  • Viewed: 1145 TIMES
DESCRIZIONE: A lamp for interiors thought for the technology LED by Sharp, the functional system used is Flat Type by Square, in the two geometrical versions of...
A lamp for interiors thought for the technology LED by Sharp, the functional system used is Flat Type by Square, in the two geometrical versions of 200x200 and 100x100. In particular, the same lamp, can be proposed both in the large and the small version, and it composed of an ironed cubic form room ideally based on a regular cube that is positioned exactly in the center of projection in the “assonometric” view in plant. “Cuba” is a real sculpture consisting of a few lines and planes, is essential and offers many configurations of both emotional type and geometrical. This lamp is thought to be realized with thermoplastic materials which have “translucent” characteristics or in opaque version to stand out more light cuts. It draws its source of inspiration from the research or geometric visual perception. “ The idea was born when I was reading the contents of the notice of competition, in which I imagined a simple and complex idea that at the same time could be able to find the right value to express its identity connected to the company. When I thought about the shape that I wanted to give my lamp. I just found the answer in LED technology made available on this occasion. At the beginning, what I wanted to be a sculpture, soon became a beautiful lamp. The idea draw through the sketch, was refined later through a geometrical logic connected to the design. In fact, starting from the base of lamp lighting system of square (200x200x23,5), as a light source, I built the rest of the drawing, starting with a angle of 60° which, through a series of incidences I arrived at its space definition second a proportion almost aurea. The precision of the cube with its right angles and clean, contrast to the angular and distorted form of lamp itself that creates this new form “Cuba”. My idea was to generate through lines and lines of the cube, all those other special opportunities that can generate new forms and produce special lighting effects in both directions, where even the reflection and light rays inside integrated through the properties of the materials both opaque and translucent to create light and dark areas.

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